Photographers Credits
This web site would not have been possible without the invaluable help of numerous lorry photographers and drivers who over the years have spent many hours capturing W & J Riding images for posterity.
The late Tom and myself would like to thank everyone who has contributed to this website over the years and should you see a photograph which is yours please let us know and we will either credit your name to the image or add your name to this ever growing list below………
John Atkinson
Mark S Bailey
Edward J Beazley
Roy Beecher
Craig Berriff
Colin Billington
Fred Bretherton
Michael Brewer
Lee Briggs
Andrew Burton
Mike Cale
Ronnie Cameron
David Chalker
Robert Cheetham
Peter Chowns
Peter J Davies
Peter Davison
Michael Deuchars
Jack Draper
Alan Dixon
Andrew Eastham
Michael Fitton
Alan Fleming
Tim Forrest
Anthony Freeman
Chris Gardner
Paul C Gee
John Gibbs
Bob Grossert
Ron Hall
Keith Halstead
Gordon Hayes
Mally Hayne
Carl Johnson
Roger Kenney
Eric Kershaw
Colin Knapp
Billy Lambert
Peter Lee
Marcus Lester
David Lomas
Jack London
Colin Maidens
Mick McKay
Geoff Milne
Neil Mitchell
Phil Moth
Jack Moon
Roger Pickering
Ade Portlock
Jonathan Pye
Bill Reid
Rex Rich
Chris Richards
Mike Richardson
Steve Richardson
Steve Saunders
Nigel Scaife
Mark Schofield
John Dickson-Simpson
Dave Smith
Robert Smith
David A Smith
Mick Spencer
Jim Taylor
Bob Tuck
David Whitfield
Ron Williams
Dorothy Woods
Colin Wright